CAC. Our Way with an Idea Ahead.
CAC is a major plant engineering company with a flexibility of a medium-sized business. To solve diverse challenges of the time CAC develops and realizes process engineering plants with a high degree of complexity, provides engineering services and offers licenses for innovative future technologies. Challenges that help us grow. Therefore, we need employees with professional expertise and experience as well as responsibility, courage and fascination. We want to create the present and the future together. Join our team! For more chances and new ways.
Vision & Value
Our values and the message “always an idea ahead” form the basis for our conduct, image and responsibility. We always want to be an idea ahead, both technologically and with regard to our corporate responsibility towards our employees, business partners, institutions and local associations.
The human touch
We are a family business. For employees and customers. Family and proximity count: At the negotiating table, work table and lunch table: We transform work time into family time. Break time into time for contacts and living. Work-life balance is just the beginning. We nurture a culture of togetherness. We recognize needs and take proximity personally – with short, direct channels to decision makers and solutions. Having all engineering disciplines under one roof means that doors will open instead of mail boxes. We value all origins and affiliations, regional and global. We reconcile body and soul in harmony with regional sport sponsoring and as sparring partner for employees – in theory and practice.
We are a safe address. Stay by the side of our customers, far beyond handover or commissioning. The date, the budget, quality and safety are our laws, and we abide by them. Our promises carry weight, are binding and loyal. We remain persistent and dependable in every situation – with intelligent solutions. We are the solid ground beneath the feet of our customers, employees and every idea. We keep appointments and promises - and can withstand a lot.
We have an international orientation: For ideas, technologies, specialist areas, tasks, countries and: people. We have successfully realized plant engineering projects in 50 countries worldwide, leaving behind our footprint. CAC provides a new home for employees from numerous different nations. We are versatile and adept. Medium in size, yet great in flexibility. Open to personal self-realization and development. CAC is a world of diversity and evolution: For projects, people and future. For global and personal growth. Including beyond our own boundaries. We live and love engineering in all aspects.
We have history. We have origins and roots. And beginnings in the year 1811. Tradition is the grounding, the foundation of our know-how and viable visions of today. We gather experience, ability and knowledge and pass them on. To customers and employees. We combine old and young with guarantee of success, we are a place of generations. We create trust and certainty through stability. In the world, in the company and on our doorstep.
People at CAC
The diversity of our employees with their personalities, qualifications, interests and passions strengthens us and our ideas: Introduction of CAC employees.

CAC Senior Process Engineer
Marco Köhler – penny-farthing rider.
„I live for my job. I always aim for 100% and more, but I know that you can only achieve that with a strong team, because you can’t construct a plant on this scale all on your own.“
„The rider needs strength and courage. The hardest part is not climbing onto the saddle but bringing the bike to a stop. That’s why you need to have all your senses in full receptive mode and to ride with total concentration and anticipation.“ With one turn of the pedals, his 54-inch front wheel travels four and a half metres. Marco Köhler can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h on his highwheeler.
“I’m fascinated by the simplicity of the technology,” says the engineer. „Two wheels, a drive ratio of one to one, so utterly straightforward. But it works – and how!”“

Head of
Document Management at CAC
Sascha Mühlhausen.
„The system not only provides greater transparency but also enables significant savings through more efficient work processes. After eighteen months of PIRS, we are seeing a significant increase in efficiency.“
„For many of our customers, the use of a document management system is an important prerequisite for the implementation of their project,” Sascha Mühlhausen stresses. PIRS is therefore a key factor in meeting the high quality standards for document management that CAC sets itself. Are other members of staff as convinced of the merits of the system as Sascha Mühlhausen? He gives a wry smile: “Of course, any system is going to seem like an obstacle course when first introduced. But we have to think ever more digitally and above all learn to work with it.

Head of Plant Layout at CAC Philipp Hadlich.
“The scholarship was definitely a great thing”, he says. “That way, I acquired a good feeling for the practical aspect during my studies and was ready for action straight after it.” What does he like about CAC? “The family-like structure, the almost friendship-like dealings with colleagues, the good cooperation.”
After his high school graduation Philipp Hadlich, 29, decided to study natural science. During his research, he came across CAC and did an internship there. He was immediately taken with plant engineering. The feeling was mutual: CAC supported his studies at the Dresden Technical University with a scholarship. During the semester breaks he repeatedly completed internships and got to know the company, colleagues and procedures. After his graduation as a chemical engineer specialising in process engineering he started with CAC as a process engineer.
CAC – in Chemnitz, Saxony
Engineering is traditional in Chemnitz: Mechanical and plant engineering have been characterizing the history of the Saxon city for over 200 years. Once known as the “Manchester of Germany“, the unique scenery of Chemnitz industrial culture is visible and vivid today in many ways. The Saxon south-west city has grown into a technological center with a focus on mechanical and plant engineering, automobile and supplier industry as well as information technology. Chemnitz is home to a technical university – with international orientation and strength in research. The city itself is regarded to be a leading research and development location. Chemnitz is continuously growing as a modern industrial city. Back then, as much as today, Chemnitz can be proud of its people, movers and shakers: in 2025 even as the European Capital of Culture!
The traces of the Chemnitz industrial history are unique and attractive: Many architects and artists left a legacy of their manuscripts here. Gorgeous Gründerzeit quarters and villas shine with new gloss here. Multiple factory buildings find their new designation as a loft, office, stage or a restaurant.
They say: Chemnitz is the gate to the Ore Mountains. No doubt, the natural green surroundings and, most of all, the delightful location at the foot of the World Cultural Heritage region belong to the special facets of the city. The Ore Mountains are a distinctively versatile region full of natural and cultural richness with castles, palaces and regional craftsmanship with a world reputation. The versatility of this landscape offers optimum conditions for the sport-loving region. Extensive green areas, large parks and forests turn the city itself into an ideal location for sports, leisure and recreation. Chemnitz possesses three wildlife reserves and multiple nature conservation areas.
On top of that, various cultural offers add to the high quality of life. There are numerous recreational facilities, theaters, operas and museums. Thank new ideas, the ever-present cultural spaces also get in the public eye. 39 districts around the city's landmark, the Karl Marx Monument "Nischel", are the scene of a colorful, vivid and vibrant cultural and creative world.
Chemnitz has become a city full of opportunities and chances, in career and in life. Offering a lot to develop and explore. The population of 245.000 is increasing again: Through courage, ideas and with noticeable outward vitality. The best prerequisites for a new beginning with a future. CAC and Chemnitz are looking forward to seeing you!